Tracks & maps

1. Glendhu Bay Track

Roys Bay to Glendhu Bay Motor Camp

Incorporating the Waterfall Creek Track for the first 2.5km.
This track starts from the west end of Roys Bay, soon reaching Wanaka Station Park, a beautiful picnic area on the left. The track then winds along the lake’s western shores for superb views, passing Edgewater Resort and Rippon Vineyard before reaching Waterfall Creek.
Grade 2 trail.

The second section is 11km from Waterfall Creek. This is a challenging grade track with a few steep gradients, narrow, rough and rocky in places. It follows re-vegetated terraces above Lake Wānaka with spectacular views, to a small north-facing beach Damper Bay, ideal for swimming in the summer. This first section of the track is quite hilly with some short, steep sections. From Damper Bay the track becomes easier until you finally reach Glendhu Bay and the motor camp. Don’t miss the spectacular views of Mount Aspiring from Glendhu Bay.
Km 13.5
Grade 5 due to steep gradient.

2. West Wanaka to Minaret Burn Track

Homestead Bay to Minaret Burn.

From Homestead Bay carpark, the track undulates with a few steep pinches in places, then gently eases out above the Lake Wānaka shoreline until it meets a 4WD track. About 7 km from Homestead Bay a track leads off to the right to Colquhouns Beach, a pleasant place to swim and picnic.
After crossing Station Creek, you’re in conservation area following the Minaret Burn tramping track. This incorporates remnant forest and shrublands and provides access to the lake foreshore. After about 10 minutes, it crosses the Rumbling Burn. Take care crossing this burn as it may be impassable during snowmelt or after heavy rain.
From here the track climbs steeply out of Rumbling Burn Valley before following a gentle terrace to the Minaret Burn. It is a relatively easy walk up the valley. The burn’s true left is on Minaret Station and permission is required for access.
45 km return
Grade walking and tramping Advanced, Mountain biking Grade 5 

3. Lakeside Trail

Wanaka Township to Outlet Motor Camp

Incorporates Eely point, Bremner Bay, Beacon Point

Eely Point is a popular, sheltered boating and picnicking area. From Wanaka township follow the lake shore to the right, past the marina, and on to Eely Point. Carrying on round the point takes you to Bremner Bay, a good shallow family swimming spot
Km 2.5
Grade 2

The track continues from Bremner Bay to Beacon Point, with great lake and mountain views along the way. It suits all ages and abilities, including baby buggies and bikes.
Km 2.5
Grade 2

From Beacon Point the track links with the Outlet Track. Stunning views up to Stephenson Arm and the Peninsula.
Km 3.3
Grade 2

4. Outlet Track

Clutha Outlet to Albert Town bridge

Spectacular scenery and very popular this is a narrow track, caution and courtesy required by all track users. The track follows the Clutha River/Mata-Au. You can start and finish at the Lake Wanaka Outlet or Hikuwai Conservation Area in Albert Town. This stretch of the river is world-renowned for its trout fishing.
Km 3
Grade 3

5. Hawea River Track

Albert Town to Lake Hawea Dam

Suitable for all ages and experience, this riverside track follows the Hawea River over easy country and links Wanaka to Lake Hāwea Township. Near its midway point, the track crosses Camp Hill Road, at this point you will see the Hawea Wave being used by surfers and kayakers. Track construction is mostly to a high standard and is suitable for both walking and biking. This track also provides access to Hawea Flat via the Devon Link.
Km 12
Grade 2

6. Hawea Flat School Track

Lake Hawea to Hawea Flat

This track connects Lake Hawea and Hawea Flat and provides off road access to Hawea Domain and the Food Forest. The track gives you options to combine the Gladstone Track, Newcastle Road track which links you to the Hawea River Track.
Km 6
Grade 2

7. Gladstone Track

Lake Hawea to John creek

From the Hāwea dam the track follows the beautiful foreshore in front of Lake Hāwea township before travelling through open farmland to John Creek. Recently been resurfaced on a very well formed surface which allows for use all seasons and weather.
Grade 2

From John Creek there are many options to lengthen your adventure: Continue out to Timaru Creek, or the Dingleburn for the adventurous. Hawea Back Road to Hawea Flat to the Newcastle Road Track and back onto the Hawea River Trail via the Devon Link.

8. Devon Link

Hawea River Track to Hawea Flat

This trail directly links Hawea Flat to the Hawea River Track on a very well formed surface. It comes off the Hawea River Track and connects to Newcastle Road Track.

There is also a link to Lachlin Avenue, crossing Camphill Road onto the Hawea Flat School Link track which then takes you up Domain Road to the Hawea Dam.
Km 3
Grade 2

9. Newcastle Track

Suitable for biking and walking, this track follows the true left of the Clutha River from Hāwea River swing bridge to Kane Road the Red Bridge. The track is a narrow single track most of the way undulating up and down the river terraces. Stunning views no matter what way you ride this track. Take care after heavy rain as the track lower track can have slips and rocky washouts.
This track can be connected with the Upper Clutha River Track.
Km 14
Grade 3

10. Upper Clutha River Track

Albert Town to Luggate Boulder

The track starts at the Albert Town Bridge, follow the track a short distance to ‘Pawsons Crossing’ a bridge over the Cardrona River. Continue along the picturesque Clutha River/Mata-Au to the historic Reko’s Point Conservation Area, the site of 19th and 20th century gold mining activity.

The track then cross highway 8A and continues down the Clutha to Luggate Creek and the Devils Nook. From here you can visit the luggate Hotel or continue to down stream to the Luggate Boulder. This section can get washed out and can be rough as it is low lying.
Km 18
Grade 3-4

Combine with the Newcastle Track by crossing the Clutha River at Red Bridge to make a great mountain bike loop ride.

11. Butterfield Wetland Loop

Situated near the Hāwea River Swing Bridge this small loop track winds around the Oxbow wetland. This track provides a family friendly loop option where walkers, cyclists and runners enjoy picturesque views of the native wetland and surrounding peaks as they weave their way through terraced grasslands and kānuka forest.
As a longer options; joining the Newcastle Track and the Upper Clutha River Track or the Hāwea River Track make a great mountain bike ride.
Km 2.5
Grade 2 

12. Cameron Creek

This well surfaced track starts at Albert town and winds its way up the Cardrona River and Cameron Creek popping out on to Monteith Road. Hook Salmon Farm is a lovely place to visit.
Km 1.5
Grade 2

13. Motatapu River Track

The track starts from the west end of the Motatapu Road near Glendhu Bay and follows the Motatapu River downstream to Mt Aspiring Road. The track is formed to a simple standard, can be muddy after rain, windfalls are not uncommon, and some fence crossings over stiles. These can make the track more challenging for bikers. As it follows the Motatapu River, there are lots of great picnic spots and shallow pools along the way suitable for swimming. Beware of the upper gorge.
Km 5.3
Grade: Tramping Track Grade 4 MTB adventure

14. Little Mount Iron

Marked as a historical track this may be altered as part of the reserve management plan.

A poled walking track, (orange markers) from Racecourse Road up and over Little Mt Iron down to Hidden hills. The track winds through mature kanuka stands and has stunning, interesting views, combine it with Mt Iron and you have endless walking options.
Km 2.6km
Grade: Tramping track

15. Dublin Bay Track

This route starts and finishes at the Albert Town Campground. It has a mix of single track which incorporates the first part of Deans Bank, then after leaving the mtb single track connects on to a rough 4wd track which can have deep puddles after rain. This makes a good loop to Dublin Bay which is great for a swim in the summer. The extension starts at Northern end of the bay and runs approx 2km up the lake. Future plans are to extend to Maungawera Road.
Km 8
Grade mixed 3-4

16. Sticky Forest and Hikuwai

This network of single track makes for fun riding in the pine forest, and so close to Wānaka township. There are over 20 tracks to choose from; from the technical switchbacks of Stumpy and Yumpts, to the beautiful berms of Venus, to Crankin’ Fine’s uphill corkscrew, these trails are designed to be enjoyed by all ability levels. All tracks are on public reserve, DOC reserve or private property.
Please respect the use of the land and rights of the land owners/managers.Combine with the Hikuwai tracks to make a great half day of mountain biking.

17. Deans Bank

The Deans Bank Track situated on the Clutha River/MataAu near Albert Town is a one-way loop multi-use track that is popular with mountain bikers. A walking track leads down to Dublin Bay.
Km 11.5

18. Lismore Jump Park

This newly upgraded facility located in central Wanaka includes a skills area featuring dirt tabletops and wooden hits, a jump track and technical tracks for those who like it steep and tricky.

For more information on the tracks above please visit Bike Wanaka, Trailforks, or AllTrails