Our partners

The UCTT is a neutral and independent voice to anticipate and deliver the mandate from the community for local tracks. Since 2006 UCTT has been a credible, long term entity for partners to engage with.

The UCTT has created partnerships, gained land access, attracted funding and support for track development. Without a Trust, opportunities for track development and improvement would be lost, along with the value that tracks deliver to residents, visitors, business and the environment. But the success of the UCTT can only be achieved through partnership with a wide range of local entities.

Tracks in the Upper Clutha are generally built and maintained by UCTT, QLDC, DOC and Bike Wanaka. Increasingly, private land developers are providing public access tracks to off-set possible negative impacts of development. UCTT works collaboratively with all track “owners” to achieve our vision.

The role of the UCTT is to look at the track network holistically across multiple users and needs. UCTT supports Bike Wanaka in serving the needs of mountain bikers and ensures MTB tracks are integrated into the wider network.

UCTT supports Wanaka Active Transport and QLDC. Active transport requirements are dynamic as the urban centre develops and grows. UCTT will work closely with Active Transport Wanaka and QLDC so that the commuter and recreational tracks connect to the urban active transport routes.

Many tracks are on Public Conservation Land and we work with DOC to ensure tracks fit with the environment and enhance it.

To the many community groups and individuals that support UCTT – We thank you, and generations to come will thank you for the outdoor experiences you have enabled.

Stake Holders:

department of conservation


Albert Town Community Association
Alexander McMillian Trust
Bike Wanaka
Boof Everest Fencing Ltd
Contact Energy Ltd
The Ellis Family
Fyfe Karamaena Lawyers
Hawea Community Association
1st Sovereign Trust
Jones Family Trust
Lion Foundation Trust
Longview Environmental Trust
Luggate Community Association
Skycity Casino (Queenstown) Community Trust
Southern Land Surveyors
Southern Trust
Te Araroa Trust
Te Kakano Trust
The Sargood Trust
The Trusts Charitable Foundation
The Trusts Community Trust
The Urquhart Family
Tree Tameres
Walking Access Commission

Read about Our Achievements